Days at Tandem Run

So why Tandem Run? Tandem signifies working together towards the same goal without necessarily doing the same thing. It is also a challenging style of driving with two horses, one directly in front of the other; each horse playing a different role to pull the carriage. So, in short, after raising five children, this season of life is our Tandem Run!

Forty-two years seems like a long time to be joined at the hip to one person, but not if you choose the right human! I chose well, so it has been a grand adventure growing our family from just the two of us to include five amazing children, a handful of spouses and three beautiful granddaughters!

Our farm was made extra busy by the usual additions of litters of kittens, chickens, a few dogs, and a season of bunnies and reptiles. Then there were the horses. First one, then another and eventually 15 and a therapeutic riding center running at our farm. Our five kids were homeschooled at the kitchen table, in the barn, with a post hole digger in their hands, on the back of a horse, waiting for the vet, on the tractor, growing food in the garden and learning to find joy in hard work. Our life was busy, difficult at times, but always full of kids and their friends.

Then, just like that, it was just the two of us again


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